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Through a Scholar Award, the McKnight Foundation provides support for the lab to understand how different parts of the cortex communicate information during behavior.

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David is a Robertson Investigator of the New York Stem Cell Foundation. The NYSCF provides the laboratory support to explore new avenues of research, including natural sound-generating behaviors.


The Schneider Lab is proudly supported by taxpayers like you, through the National Institutes on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (R01, K99/R00, F31, F32, Diversity Fellowship).


Our collaborative work on gerbil social-vocal communication (with Dan Sanes and Alex Williams) is funded by the NIH Brain Initiative.


David is a fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which graciously supports all aspects of the lab's work.


The Searle Scholars Program provides support for the laboratory to develop behavioral tasks in mice that share hallmarks of speech and music and to pursue how the brain uses performance errors to learn from mistakes.

David is the recipient of a Career Award at the Scientific Interface from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. BWF's CASI program supports scientists whose work bridges disciplines in the biological and physical sciences.

In addition to federal and foundational support, the Schneider Laboratory is generously supported by New York University's Center for Neural Science and College of Arts and Science.


The Leon Levy Foundation has provided generous support for trainees.


Swiss National Science Foundation has provided generous support for trainees.

As a postdoctoral fellow, David was an HHMI Fellow of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation.

As a graduate student, David was funded in part by the Gatsby Initiative on Brain Circuitry.

© 2021 by David Schneider

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